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DMUGA Week 23 - Sculpting & Baking (FMP #10)

Weekly Summary:

Just a modelling run for me this week, so the level hasn't progressed in terms of population. I listed some assets I needed to make/sculpt and just went about going through them one by one. I still need to model some stairs but I'm sure I can whip them up this weekend, including textures.

Andy has been ill for this week and so I'm unsure as to how he has progressed. The modular parts mostly consist of the sculpted tilable texture he has been assigned and so we really need to get that in asap to build the temple and see what works.

Monday - Wednesday:

I retopologised the eagle's head, baked it down, made some algae and Dom showed me how to use Perforce on Monday. I have been a bit sceptical about using it because I prefer keeping track in my mind for when and who has it and what changes are being made - The file is open online for anyone to use at any time. This hopefully will be very helpful and will make it easier to make changes at any time and not worry about copying files over/oversaving (provided it is used correctly).

Furthermore, I made the large lotus flower, a lotus leaf, sculpted the majority of the 'shrine' pieces, and prepared the files ready for baking once finished.

Andy as mentioned has been ill, but I do know he was working on the modular pieces on Tuesday after Dom showed him how to use Perforce as well.

Update: Andy took this week off and next week.

Dom had to set up Perforce plus, his own server on Monday. He made a really cool tool which varied the value, hue and saturation of any desired foliage in the map with a single click (which is very cool!). He also worked on making objective markers which appeared on the compass (much like Skyrim), tried another attempt at making a nicer looking sky (not quite what we want but getting there), and a tool which randomly spawned your meshes within an area with the option to move, scale and rotate each one individually!

Denise made some cool concepts for the skulls and inner temple:


I finished the 'shrine' pieces, the front door wall, and the modular walkway mesh:

Dom finished the objective markers and Denise looked into the UI elements, plus quickly arranged a layout for the courtyard:

Almost no level building has taken place this week, and I'm away from Wednesday onwards next week, but I will still post the progress from Monday to Tuesday.

Here's one shot at least:


Check back soon
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